- class streamsight.algorithms.Random(K: int | None = 10, seed: int | None = None)
Random recommendation for users.
The Random algorithm recommends K random items to all users in the predict frame.
- Parameters:
K (int, optional) – Number of items to recommendation, defaults to 10
seed (int, optional) – Seed for the random number, defaults to None
- __init__(K: int | None = 10, seed: int | None = None)
([K, seed])fit
(X)Fit the model to the input interaction matrix.
Get metadata routing of this object.
([deep])Get parameters for this estimator.
(X)Predicts scores, given the interactions in X
(**params)Set the parameters of the estimator.
Identifier of the object.
Name of the object's class.
- ITEM_USER_BASED: ItemUserBasedEnum
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- classmethod _build_request_for_signature(router, method)
Build the MethodMetadataRequest for a method using its signature.
This method takes all arguments from the method signature and uses
as their default request value, exceptX
, and**kwargs
- routerMetadataRequest
The parent object for the created MethodMetadataRequest.
- methodstr
The name of the method.
- method_requestMethodMetadataRequest
The prepared request using the method’s signature.
- _check_feature_names(X, *, reset)
Set or check the feature_names_in_ attribute.
Added in version 1.0.
- X{ndarray, dataframe} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
The input samples.
- resetbool
Whether to reset the feature_names_in_ attribute. If False, the input will be checked for consistency with feature names of data provided when reset was last True. .. note:
It is recommended to call `reset=True` in `fit` and in the first call to `partial_fit`. All other methods that validate `X` should set `reset=False`.
- _check_fit_complete()
Helper function to check if model was correctly fitted
Uses the sklearn check_is_fitted function,
- _check_n_features(X, reset)
Set the n_features_in_ attribute, or check against it.
- X{ndarray, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
The input samples.
- resetbool
If True, the n_features_in_ attribute is set to X.shape[1]. If False and the attribute exists, then check that it is equal to X.shape[1]. If False and the attribute does not exist, then the check is skipped. .. note:
It is recommended to call reset=True in `fit` and in the first call to `partial_fit`. All other methods that validate `X` should set `reset=False`.
- _doc_link_module = 'sklearn'
- property _doc_link_template
- _doc_link_url_param_generator = None
- _fit(X: csr_matrix) Random
Stub implementation for fitting an algorithm.
Will be called by the fit wrapper. Child classes should implement this function.
- Parameters:
X (csr_matrix) – User-item interaction matrix to fit the model to
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Implement this method in the child class
- classmethod _get_default_requests()
Collect default request values.
This method combines the information present in
class attributes, as well as determining request keys from method signatures.
- _get_doc_link()
Generates a link to the API documentation for a given estimator.
This method generates the link to the estimator’s documentation page by using the template defined by the attribute _doc_link_template.
- urlstr
The URL to the API documentation for this estimator. If the estimator does not belong to module _doc_link_module, the empty string (i.e. “”) is returned.
- _get_metadata_request()
Get requested data properties.
Please check User Guide on how the routing mechanism works.
- requestMetadataRequest
- classmethod _get_param_names()
Get parameter names for the estimator
- _get_tags()
- _more_tags()
- _pad_predict(X_pred: csr_matrix, intended_shape: tuple, to_predict_frame: DataFrame) csr_matrix
Pad the predictions with random items for users that are not in the training data.
- Parameters:
X_pred (csr_matrix) – Predictions made by the algorithm
intended_shape (tuple) – The intended shape of the prediction matrix
to_predict_frame (pd.DataFrame) – DataFrame containing the user IDs to predict for
- Returns:
The padded prediction matrix
- Return type:
- _predict(X: csr_matrix, predict_frame: DataFrame | None = None) csr_matrix
Predict the top K items for each user in the predict frame.
If the predict frame is not provided, an AttributeError is raised.
- Parameters:
X (csr_matrix) – _description_
predict_frame (Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional) – _description_, defaults to None
- Raises:
AttributeError – _description_
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property _repr_html_
HTML representation of estimator.
This is redundant with the logic of _repr_mimebundle_. The latter should be favorted in the long term, _repr_html_ is only implemented for consumers who do not interpret _repr_mimbundle_.
- _repr_html_inner()
This function is returned by the @property _repr_html_ to make hasattr(estimator, “_repr_html_”) return `True or False depending on get_config()[“display”].
- _repr_mimebundle_(**kwargs)
Mime bundle used by jupyter kernels to display estimator
- _transform_fit_input(X: InteractionMatrix) csr_matrix
Transform the training data to expected type
Data will be turned into a binary csr matrix.
- Parameters:
X (InteractionMatrix) – User-item interaction matrix to fit the model to
- Returns:
Transformed user-item interaction matrix to fit the model
- Return type:
- _transform_predict_input(X: InteractionMatrix) csr_matrix
Transform the input of predict to expected type
Data will be turned into a binary csr matrix.
- Parameters:
X (InteractionMatrix) – User-item interaction matrix used as input to predict
- Returns:
Transformed user-item interaction matrix used as input to predict
- Return type:
- _validate_data(X='no_validation', y='no_validation', reset=True, validate_separately=False, cast_to_ndarray=True, **check_params)
Validate input data and set or check the n_features_in_ attribute.
- X{array-like, sparse matrix, dataframe} of shape (n_samples, n_features), default=’no validation’
The input samples. If ‘no_validation’, no validation is performed on X. This is useful for meta-estimator which can delegate input validation to their underlying estimator(s). In that case y must be passed and the only accepted check_params are multi_output and y_numeric.
- yarray-like of shape (n_samples,), default=’no_validation’
The targets.
If None, check_array is called on X. If the estimator’s requires_y tag is True, then an error will be raised.
If ‘no_validation’, check_array is called on X and the estimator’s requires_y tag is ignored. This is a default placeholder and is never meant to be explicitly set. In that case X must be passed.
Otherwise, only y with _check_y or both X and y are checked with either check_array or check_X_y depending on validate_separately.
- resetbool, default=True
Whether to reset the n_features_in_ attribute. If False, the input will be checked for consistency with data provided when reset was last True. .. note:
It is recommended to call reset=True in `fit` and in the first call to `partial_fit`. All other methods that validate `X` should set `reset=False`.
- validate_separatelyFalse or tuple of dicts, default=False
Only used if y is not None. If False, call validate_X_y(). Else, it must be a tuple of kwargs to be used for calling check_array() on X and y respectively.
estimator=self is automatically added to these dicts to generate more informative error message in case of invalid input data.
- cast_to_ndarraybool, default=True
Cast X and y to ndarray with checks in check_params. If False, X and y are unchanged and only feature_names_in_ and n_features_in_ are checked.
- **check_paramskwargs
Parameters passed to
. Ignored if validate_separately is not False.estimator=self is automatically added to these params to generate more informative error message in case of invalid input data.
- out{ndarray, sparse matrix} or tuple of these
The validated input. A tuple is returned if both X and y are validated.
- _validate_params()
Validate types and values of constructor parameters
The expected type and values must be defined in the _parameter_constraints class attribute, which is a dictionary param_name: list of constraints. See the docstring of validate_parameter_constraints for a description of the accepted constraints.
- fit(X: InteractionMatrix) Algorithm
Fit the model to the input interaction matrix.
The input data is transformed to the expected type using
. The fitting is done using the_fit()
method. Finally the method checks that the fitting was successful using_check_fit_complete()
.- Parameters:
X (InteractionMatrix) – The interactions to fit the model on.
- Returns:
Fitted algorithm
- Return type:
- get_metadata_routing()
Get metadata routing of this object.
Please check User Guide on how the routing mechanism works.
- routingMetadataRequest
encapsulating routing information.
- get_params(deep=True)
Get parameters for this estimator.
- deepbool, default=True
If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.
- paramsdict
Parameter names mapped to their values.
- property identifier: str
Identifier of the object.
Identifier is made by combining the class name with the parameters passed at construction time.
Constructed by recreating the initialisation call. Example: Algorithm(param_1=value)
- Returns:
Identifier of the object
- Return type:
- property name: str
Name of the object’s class.
- Returns:
Name of the object’s class
- Return type:
- predict(X: InteractionMatrix) csr_matrix
Predicts scores, given the interactions in X
The input data is transformed to the expected type using
. The predictions are made using the_predict()
method. Finally the predictions are then padded with random items for users that are not in the training data.- Parameters:
X (InteractionMatrix) – interactions to predict from.
- Returns:
The recommendation scores in a sparse matrix format.
- Return type:
- set_params(**params)
Set the parameters of the estimator.
- Parameters:
params (dict) – Estimator parameters