
class streamsight.datasets.Dataset(filename: str | None = None, base_path: str | None = None, use_default_filters=False)

Bases: ABC

Represents a collaborative filtering dataset.

Dataset must minimally contain user, item and timestamp columns for the other modules to work.


User/item ID increments in the order of time. This is an assumption that will be made for the purposes of splitting the dataset and eventually passing the dataset to the model. The ID incrementing in the order of time allows us to set the shape of the currently known user and item matrix allowing easier manipulation of the data by the evaluator.

param filename:

Name of the file, if no name is provided the dataset default will be used if known. If the dataset does not have a default filename, a ValueError will be raised.

type filename:

str, optional

param base_path:

The base_path to the data directory. Defaults to data

type base_path:

str, optional

param use_default_filters:

If True, the default filters will be applied to the dataset. Defaults to False.

type use_default_filters:

bool, optional

__init__(filename: str | None = None, base_path: str | None = None, use_default_filters=False)


__init__([filename, base_path, ...])


Add a filter to be applied when loading the data.


Check if dataset is present, if not download


Loads data into an InteractionMatrix object.



Default base path where the dataset will be stored.


Default filename that will be used if it is not specified by the user.


Name of the column in the DataFrame with item identifiers


Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains time of interaction in seconds since epoch.


Name of the column in the DataFrame with user identifiers


File path of the dataset.


Name of the object's class.


Default base path where the dataset will be stored.


Default filename that will be used if it is not specified by the user.

ITEM_IX = None

Name of the column in the DataFrame with item identifiers


Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains time of interaction in seconds since epoch.

USER_IX = None

Name of the column in the DataFrame with user identifiers

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>

Check if the directory is safe. If directory does not exit, create it.

_dataframe_to_matrix(df: DataFrame) InteractionMatrix

Converts a DataFrame to an InteractionMatrix.


df (pd.DataFrame) – DataFrame to convert


InteractionMatrix object

Return type:


property _default_filters: List[Filter]

The default filters for all datasets

Concrete classes can override this property to add more filters.


List of filters to be applied to the dataset

Return type:


abstract _download_dataset()

Downloads the dataset.

Downloads the csv file from the dataset URL and saves it to the file path.

_fetch_remote(url: str, filename: str) str

Fetch data from remote url and save locally

  • url (str) – url to fetch data from

  • filename (str) – Path to save file to


The filename where data was saved

Return type:


abstract _load_dataframe() DataFrame

Load the raw dataset from file, and return it as a pandas DataFrame.


This does not apply any preprocessing, and returns the raw dataset.


Interation with minimal columns of {user, item, timestamp}.

Return type:


add_filter(filter: Filter)

Add a filter to be applied when loading the data.

Utilize DataFramePreprocessor class to add filters to the dataset to load. The filter will be applied when the data is loaded into an InteractionMatrix object when load() is called.


filter (Filter) – Filter to be applied to the loaded DataFrame processing to interaction matrix.

fetch_dataset(force=False) None

Check if dataset is present, if not download


force (bool, optional) – If True, dataset will be downloaded, even if the file already exists. Defaults to False.

property file_path: str

File path of the dataset.

load(apply_filters=True) InteractionMatrix

Loads data into an InteractionMatrix object.

Data is loaded into a DataFrame using the _load_dataframe() function. Resulting DataFrame is parsed into an InteractionMatrix object. If apply_filters is set to True, the filters set will be applied to the dataset and mapping of user and item ids will be done. This is advised even if there is no filter set, as it will ensure that the user and item ids are incrementing in the order of time.


apply_filters (bool, optional) – To apply the filters set and preprocessing, defaults to True


Resulting interaction matrix

Return type:


property name

Name of the object’s class.